Friday 30 November 2018

Setting Sail

Dear viewers,

I am sending this letter because I want to tell you about my travels to New Zealand...

I was really scared and excited to go to go to a new country but it took so long  and I was travelling away from my home thousands of miles away
I was in a super small boat called a waka with people I did know I was lucky...
we had to have a little bit of food because it took at least 4 days we were the first people to discover New Zealand

Here is a list of things you will need if you were to go on a waka :

sincerely Yazmin

Thursday 22 November 2018

WALT: write a set of instructions

How to make a maths quiz

Step 1: open chrome book.

Step 2: go to google chrome.

Step 3: go to google drive.

Step 4: click the plus button in the top left corner to create a slide.

Step 5: press google slides.

Step 6: make a title page.

Step 7: press the plus button in the top left corner.

Step 8: go to insert and press search the web and write 'cartoon person ' and chose one.

Step 9:  click insert in the bottom right corner and it will take you to your second slide.

Step 10: then say my name is.....

Step 11: then press the top left corner and a new slide will pop up.

Step 12: then write hooray in the space and go to the next slide.

Step 13: then say boo you got it wrong.

Step 14: Then make a new slide and put a question on it e.g { 4x5 }

Step 15: do that till the end.

Step 16: here is how you link... you press ctrl k and press what slide you want to link to.

Step 17: Just keep doing that until you have got about 4 questions.

Step 18: you are done.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

gunpowder plot

we did this because it was gunpowder day two days ago and for our history.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

My Maths Game

I loved writing this because it was for our buddys

Monday 5 November 2018

surface tension

WALT: write instructions
I enjoyed writing it and doing the science! I found It challenging to put verbs in each slide
I found It challenging to put the verbs in each slide

Thursday 1 November 2018

maths work

WALT: create a colour pattern using shapes and colour
 I enjoyed making the pattern
I found it challenging making the shape
 To be BTB I could make it more coulorfull

we are learning how to use a simile and a alliteration

WALT: write similes and alliteration I enjoyed writing a poem on page 4
To make my work BTB, I could make my background the same

we are learning how to use a simile and a allitertions

WALT: write similes and alliterations
 I enjoyed writing the poem on page 4
 To make my work BTB, I could have the same background