Friday 31 May 2019

Inside mega munch

Here are my questions from the story that I have read hope you enjoy it

Tuesday 28 May 2019

My poster about ways to use less plastic in my lunch box

WALT: Help our families to use less rubbish in our lunch box

We did this activity to help us and others find ways to use less plastic and wrappers in our lunch boxes Paroa school is an enviro school working towards a bronze medal and we want to start having a school rubbish free day and to start to make improvements to our school. we have lots of ways to stop making heaps of rubbish in our lunch boxes  and I can't wait to try and make my own yogurt
I really enjoyed working as a team.
I found it challenging to work with someone from a different class.

Monday 27 May 2019

WALT use our 5x tables to solve division questions

we are learning to use our 5 times tables to help us with our division problems

Thursday 16 May 2019

my story

for writing, we are learning how to be real storytellers. Today we looked at obstacles and how it changes the image!

blog x Equestrian


Hi my name is yazmin, I have a horse his name is chief he is such a good boy any way I have been riding for two years so that means that I have been riding for seven years my pony is a dressage and schooling pony this year I came 1st and last year I came 1st as well how cool is that!!! when I do jumping I usually come 2nd or 3rd how good is that!!!

from yazmin

Thursday 2 May 2019

mapping our school.

today we were mapping our school, we could do it on google drawings or on a piece of paper my group tylah Aaron and I chose to do it in a google drawing then we had to walk around the school to make sure that we had everything then after we had done our mapping we did a survey about how much plastic in our school overall we had 125 bits of plastic HOW BAD IS THAT!!!!!!!