Thursday 26 March 2020

How Old Are You Really?

While we were on lockdown I have done this science experiment where I used math equations to work out how old some of my family members will be if we lived on another planet. If you want to work out how old part of your family is on a different planet comment on this blog post and I will give you the formula for you to work it out.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Word Of The Week

Today I did the word of the week and the word is Vast. Vast means a huge amount of stuff like a pack of wolfs if they have lots of them. I enjoyed it because I got to learn a new word. First, we had to write what the word is, Then, we had to say what we thought it meant, Then, we had to do synonyms and antonyms, Then, A picture, Lucky last, Use it in a sentence