Thursday 26 March 2020

How Old Are You Really?

While we were on lockdown I have done this science experiment where I used math equations to work out how old some of my family members will be if we lived on another planet. If you want to work out how old part of your family is on a different planet comment on this blog post and I will give you the formula for you to work it out.


  1. Wow Yazmin. I really like this blog post. Why do our ages change on different planets do you know?

    Could you possible tell me how old I would be on Jupiter? I am 27 in Earth years :)

    1. Hi Miss Farr, our ages are different on different planets because it dispenses how close you are to the sun. On Jupiter you would be 2 years old! Thanks for the blog comment hope to see you soon Yazmin

  2. Hi Yazzy! It's Miro here. This slide is really cool! How did you work out how old you would be? It must have been really hard! I figured out from that, that the closer to the sun you are, the older you are. (I think.) This is really cool! Thanks and bye!

    1. Hi Miro, I got a science book out from the school library. then I found how old are you really science experiment so I wanted to do it so I divided your age with the earth years (according to the book) and I did it with all the different planets. It was hard it took me at least 3 days to do it all including posting it to my blog. Thanks for commenting on my blog hope to see you soon Yazmin

  3. Wow interesting project. I have never thought about if our ages would be different on other planets. Interesting concept. That must have taken alot of research and calculations to figure out. How did you get the idea for this project? Great work, keep it up. Sharron


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