Monday 16 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey ( Setting Sail )

Today our class did summer learning  activity one, it was to make a list of 10 items we would take with us, NO FRIDGE OR FREEZER
Here is my list of ten food items on a boat.
1: Water
2: Grapes
3: Sandwich (GF DF)
4: Cucumber
5: Chocolate (GF DF)
6: Cookies ( GF DF)
7: Lollies (GF DF)
8: Cereal (GF DF)
9: Stock (to kill when I need it) 
10: Apple
Here is a picture of a boat/canoe
Image result for canoe

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Kiwi Kids News

WALT: summerise what we read on kiwi kids news. First, we had to make a copy of this sheet Then, we had to go on kiwi kids news After that, we had to read and put info on this sheet Then, we had to post it on my blog. I enjoyed learning about what I have been reading on kiwi kids news and it was super odd. It was challenging when I was writing on my sheet and I put it (nearly) on my blog then I had to restart this whole thing!

Thursday 28 November 2019

Key Word Hunt (work from teacher)

WALT: summerise or story. we read the story and wrote down the important parts down 4 times after that we had to find the keywords or phrases* then we had to summerise the story in a sentence or two so that if people haven't read this story they can understand what happened in this story. I enjoyed this because it was fun to read and do activities as well. It was the best when we got to find the Keywords or the phrases. It was challenging when we had to make a summary of the book 0n what we did

* Phrases mean little sentences that explain things like: If you can't say something kind don't say it at all.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Blog Analysis

WALT: make a blog analysis,
Today we had to do a blog analysis so we keep track of how much blog posts we have done since 2017.  We had to make a google sheet and had to see how much we have blog posts in the past 3 years.  And we made observations. It was challenging because it was my first time doing this

Friday 22 November 2019

Dick Frizzells artwork ( the Tiki )

WALT: Draw Dick Frizzel artwork,
Yesterday we had to draw a copy of our own Dick Frizzell's artwork and mine was a tiki we had to draw it in our scrapbooks and today we had to pastel, paint, die, crayon or use colored pencils to colour the artwork I used pastel and die. First, we had to draw it on a good piece of paper Then we had to colour our artwork inside the lines of what art we choose after that we had to die it if we wanted to then we had to leave it to dry. I enjoyed doing it because art is fun and we get to have fun while we do it. It was challenging to colour with pastels inside the lines but I got there in the end.
We only had two days to do it because Miss Farr said that we had to do other things instead like our choose your own adventure stories.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

adventure stories

WALT: write our own adventure story. We had to copy this sheet and name it, then we had to answer all the questions, the questions were: What makes a great adventure story? Why do people like them? What makes them adventurous? What adventure stories do you know? What might good writers do?
It was challenging when my group wasn't doing the brainstorm I had to try and convince them to do it.
When it was challenging I had to try and make them do there work or it would affect there life and future.

Friday 15 November 2019

My Family

WALT: write our family tree in Te Reo Maori
Today we had to write our family tree in te Reo Maori it had videos if you don't want to read it so then I will read it to you.
I enjoyed making a challenge because we only had to do one slide with a video but I did all three.
It was challenging because we had to write in Te Reo Maori but I did something else as well I did it in English so other people that can only read English so they can read it as well. I only did it in English because I was thinking about other people not just myself so here is my family slideshow.

Thursday 14 November 2019


This is my number of the week for this week The number was 623.
I enjoyed it because it was really fun ( like all maths )
I had to fill out all the slides and post it to my blog
it was challenging to do it in one week

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Tanka poem ( first time galloping )

       Galloping first time
        In the bush it was scary
        Up the hill, we go
              Ahhh, we had a scary gallop
              When we were done we went back


Monday 11 November 2019


In Antarctica, there are really big icebergs in the sea,
 If you are in Antarctica maybe you should check out the penguins they are pretty cool.
when you are there why don't you check out the big snowy mountains, 
so if you are there have a dip in the sea it will be pretty cold but still.

why don't you also climb the snowy mountains you could fin a snow yeti all the way up top.
if you dare you could make a boat and sail to an iceberg to see what it looks like?
but what you need to do is look at the sunset at night it will look like the sea has gone red.
if you go there you need to pack a tent otherwise you need to sleep in the snow.

you need to get there on a plane or you will not get there if
 you could go there how long would you stay?
you will need to pack a bag full of warm clothes because it is in the meniscus
so if you go there please be ready for ice-cold weather

Made by: Yazmin

Friday 8 November 2019

Christmas wish list in Te Reo Moari

ask what we want in Te Reo Maori
We had an hour to write what we wanted for Christmas. This is my one...
It was challenging finding the pictures on the internet or we could draw them

Thursday 7 November 2019

Cinquain poem

Horses gallop
They are super beautiful
Horses are the best pet ever
Here is how you do this poem:
First, you need a title
Then, you need a subject
Then, you need to describe
Then, you need action
Then, you need feelings
Then, you need a conclusion

Here are the rules
1.  Only 5 lines
2.  Syllable pattern ( 2 4 6 8 2 )
3.  Can rhyme but doesn't have to
4.  Can have onomatopoeia in it but doesn't have to
5.   Can make a story but doesn't have to   

WALT: make a cinquain poem
We made a poem
It was challenging to get the ideas but also to get the syllables correct
I liked it because it was easy but you can make it into a story

Cinquain poem

are really cool
we are all humans YAY
I like them because they are the
best ever
Here is how you do this poem:
First, you need a title
Then, you need a subject
Then, you need to describe
Then, you need action
Then, you need feelings
Then, you need a conclusion

Here are the rules
1.  Only 5 lines
2.  Syllable pattern ( 2 4 6 8 2 )
3.  Can rhyme but doesn't have to
4.  Can have onomatopoeia in it but doesn't have to
5.   Can make a story but doesn't have to   

WALT: make a cinquain poem
We made a poem
It was challenging to get the ideas but also to get the syllables correct
I liked it because it was easy but you can make it into a story

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Cinquain poem


Miss Farr  ( Title ) 

Miss Farr. ( 2 )
is the best ever. ( 4 )
She teaches us to spell. ( 6 )
she is awesome when she gives us... ( 8 )
FREE TIME!!!!!! ( 2 )
Here is how you do this poem:
First, you need a title
Then, you need a subject
Then, you need to describe
Then, you need action
Then, you need feelings
Then, you need a conclusion

Here are the rules
1.  Only 5 lines
2.  Syllable pattern ( 2 4 6 8 2 )
3.  Can rhyme but doesn't have to
4.  Can have onomatopoeia in it but doesn't have to
5.   Can make a story but doesn't have to   

WALT: make a cinquain poem
We made a poem
It was challenging to get the ideas but also to get the syllables correct
I liked it because it was easy but you can make it into a story

Friday 25 October 2019

Number of the week slide

This is my week 2 number of the week

Term 4 word of the week slide

This is my term 4 word of the week. we do word of the week so we learn new words.
I hope you will learn new words too.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Grandparents day

Today for grandparent's day we invited our grandparents to come to school to look at our classrooms and explore the school with us.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Friday 18 October 2019

Week 1 Reflection

This week I have learn't how to order fractions into a whole number because we had to do it for maths
This week I enjoyed ordering fractions into a whole number because it was fun and I thought I couldn't do it but I could
This week what I found challenging was that we had to do a fraction maze because I didn't get how to do it and people made me more confused but I managed to do it.
Next week I want to work on space and the fraction maze because it is fun

Thursday 26 September 2019

Clara's cowpats

WALT: do co-ordinates we did some tasks so there was task 1 and task 2 but task 2 was confusing I liked it because we had it really challenging

Tuesday 24 September 2019

2019 term 4 calendar art

WALT: do 1 point perspectives.
We watched a video and this is what it turned out to be!
I liked it because we did it for calendar art and here is a photo of it!

Thursday 12 September 2019

Week 8 Reflection

This week I enjoyed making the fruit kebabs because we got to eat them and also because it was really really fun.

 This week I have learnt how to say words in māori because we had to make the kebabs using instructions in māori.

 This week I found difficult was that we had to make kebabs using māori instructions.

Next week I think I need to work on pronouncing māori words correctly.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Kepapa Huarākau - fruit kababs

Today we made fruit kababs ( Kepepa hurarākau ) we did it in the tech room here are the instructions in Te reo moāri:
Reka ngā kepapa huarākau. Anei ngā tohutohu.
Tuatahi, horoia ngā kerepe.
Tuarua, tīhoretia ngā āporo, ngā huakiwi, ngā panana me ngā ārani.
Tuatoru, tapahia ngā huarākau kia iti.
Tuawhā, werohia ngā huarākau me ngā rare kōpungapunga.
Tino rika ngā kepapa

This is what it means in English:
Fruit kababs are delicious. This is how you make them.
First, wash the grapes.
Second, peel the apples, kiwifruit, bananas, and oranges.
Third, cut the fruit into small pieces.
Fourth, put the fruit and the marshmallows on the stick.
The kebabs are really delicious.

Here are some pictures of us making them!

Friday 23 August 2019

Week 5 Reflection

This week I have learnt how to make connections with the story that I have done in my life or with the world or with a movie or a book I have read. This week I have found Te Reo Maori hard because we have to do it every week and we had to say the colors and the thing we are talking about. This week I have enjoyed basic fact because we have to do it in five minutes and answer fifty questions in that time limit. Next week I want to work on doing my basic facts in five minutes because I only had five answers left so I really want to get all of them done.

week 5, work from teacher

WALT: solve problems using standard written form.
This week we were doing the standard form of our maths. When we did it we had to work it out and it was really hard to do.  fun
I liked it because it was a challenge and I have to get some help with my first question from Meka. but other than that it was really fun so you should try to do it. here are my questions that my teacher gave me. ( the last one is is our thousands so it was super duper hard ). HOPE YOU ENJOY :)

Thursday 15 August 2019

The GPGP ( The Great Pacific Garbage Patch )

The Great Pacific Garbage patch Newsletter
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch - The PROBLEM!

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is 3 times the size of France ( 6 times the size of NewZealand )
It is in between Hawaii and California.
The Great Pacific Patch ( The GPGP ) is like an island but it is made up of rubbish.
The GPGP was made in the 1950s but wasn’t found until 1993.
It was made of people littering and it was washed into the sea and then it was taken to the GPGP.

Paragraph 1: What is the GPGP?

The GPGP is a garbage patch with heaps of rubbish.
It is there because people keep on littering and the rubbish keeps on to the GPGP
It is bad because we have been littering for too many so please be careful!
Paragraph 2: The effect on animals

The GPGP is killing all the animals and making them really sick!
They have to get to land and they will try and make them better.
If they  can’t make them better they will die.

Thursday 8 August 2019

Wevideo for film festival

WALT: use different camera angles.
Today we were learning to use different camera angles In my group I had Laim, Katelyn, Meka, Miss  Farr and I we made this video to practice on Wevideo to get better at using it!  SORRY, IT GLITCHED OUT!
I enjoyed it because we had to work together and work it out!

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Working with the teacher

WALT: ask questions after we have read one page
In my reading group, we were reading a book about a girl and she is scared to do a speech because she thinks that the world is going to be watching and judging
I think the book was cool because it makes me want to read it over and over again

Friday 2 August 2019

WALT: do a Y chart and do predicting

WALT: do a Y chart and predicting what is going to happen in the book and see if it is the same prediction or not

Monday 29 July 2019

WALT: make a before and after web as well as brainstorm it sort it

WALT: create a before and after web on the information we know and don't know
WALT: Brainstorm it sort it we were getting important ideas from the book and then we had to make two titles and then we were sorting it into the two titles

Friday 26 July 2019

before and after web

this is my work from the teacher hope you enjoy :)

Thursday 25 July 2019

Work from the teacher

This is my work from the teacher hope you Enjoy :)

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Term 3 word of the week ( work from the teacher )

This is my term 3 word of the week, every week we have a word to research these are my words for term 3 Enjoy learning new words!

Wednesday 3 July 2019

long I alternatives

This is my long I alternatives for spelling today this is what I came up with!

Friday 28 June 2019

Work from the teacher

This is my work from the teacher for week 9 so have a look! this is a real story

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Direction, orientation and angles

Today Clara and I did this together and this is what we done

Tuesday 25 June 2019

my beeswax wrap

This is my beeswax wrap that we made today in the tec room all breaks and it took a while but we managed it in the end

Thursday 20 June 2019

character shape

Today we were using shapes to see how our character reacts to the movie
Squares mean strong
Triangles mean energetic
circles mean friendly

how to care for beeswax wraps

this is how to care for beeswax wraps so our class can make this if it goes good we will use it as a fundraiser for our school!

how to make beeswax wraps

this is what we have been doing these instructions on how to make beeswax wraps for our

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Monster measure

1 cm = 1m
measure the wings                                   this is what we were doing for maths today
measure the legs
measure the feet                    you need a ruler
measure the face
measure the eye     

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Maths week 8

for maths today we were measuring parts of Greymouth this is my map! we did it because we wanted to measure how long in kilometers to shantytown to the swimming pool and to the train station so this is what we did for maths

Friday 14 June 2019

character for story Wants/Needs

Today we looked at our characters Wants/Needs for our story because we are slowly developing our story's/movie 

Thursday 13 June 2019

my character for my story

we are learning to create our own stories, I liked making Dr kitster because we had polyline it, what I found challenging was that when we made it keeped on cutting so I couldn't do it, next time I would make more Externals because it doesn't have much

* External means that what it looks like on the outside

biofuel for me and my environment

this is me and jari's a blog post about biofuel that we have been learning about for me and my environment. what I found challenging was that we were not allowed to get pictures off the internet but it as also very very fun we only got 25 minutes to start it and finish it!

Wednesday 12 June 2019

week 7 maths slide - work from teacher

this week we have another maths slide this one is division WALT divide in parts my favorite part was to work out the equisons it was really fun! 

Tuesday 11 June 2019

week 7 term two kauri literacy medals

this is my work from the teacher and I have a different one each week and this is my one for this week

week 6 maths medals - work from teacher

This is my worksheet from the teacher it is helping us use some more strategies to help us multiply in  parts

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Term 2 word of the week...

This is my word of the week for term 2, each week we get given a different word to reaserch

Friday 31 May 2019

Inside mega munch

Here are my questions from the story that I have read hope you enjoy it

Tuesday 28 May 2019

My poster about ways to use less plastic in my lunch box

WALT: Help our families to use less rubbish in our lunch box

We did this activity to help us and others find ways to use less plastic and wrappers in our lunch boxes Paroa school is an enviro school working towards a bronze medal and we want to start having a school rubbish free day and to start to make improvements to our school. we have lots of ways to stop making heaps of rubbish in our lunch boxes  and I can't wait to try and make my own yogurt
I really enjoyed working as a team.
I found it challenging to work with someone from a different class.

Monday 27 May 2019

WALT use our 5x tables to solve division questions

we are learning to use our 5 times tables to help us with our division problems

Thursday 16 May 2019

my story

for writing, we are learning how to be real storytellers. Today we looked at obstacles and how it changes the image!

blog x Equestrian


Hi my name is yazmin, I have a horse his name is chief he is such a good boy any way I have been riding for two years so that means that I have been riding for seven years my pony is a dressage and schooling pony this year I came 1st and last year I came 1st as well how cool is that!!! when I do jumping I usually come 2nd or 3rd how good is that!!!

from yazmin

Thursday 2 May 2019

mapping our school.

today we were mapping our school, we could do it on google drawings or on a piece of paper my group tylah Aaron and I chose to do it in a google drawing then we had to walk around the school to make sure that we had everything then after we had done our mapping we did a survey about how much plastic in our school overall we had 125 bits of plastic HOW BAD IS THAT!!!!!!! 

Monday 8 April 2019

Silhouette Art!!

Here is my silhouette Art!!

These are the steps to do it
Step 1. color half of the A2 piece of paper in Yellow, Orange, and Red
Step 2. Draw a soldier from under his shoulder up to his hat
Step 3. put the solider on the sunset and paint all of the A2 piece of paper
Step 4. Take the picture off the A2 piece of paper
Step 5.  Let the paint dry
Step 6. draw a hill, some crosses, and a solider

Thursday 4 April 2019

ANZAC Poem about world war 1

All New Zealand soldiers fighting for Britain
Nice amazing soldiers fighting for us in world war 1
Zig zagging around the battlefield dodging lots of bullets
Anzac soldiers in their trenches
Countries around the huge battlefield

Digging trenches to save their lives
Australia and New Zealand arriving at the battlefield
Young men injured in the battlefield

By Yazmin and Slade

We wrote this because of Anzac day is coming up and we celebrate the day on April the 25th because that's the day New Zealand soldiers landed in Turkey at dawn so that is why we have a dawn parried because of the New Zealand Soldiers landed at dawn but we lost in Galipalie 
because lots of our New Zealand Soldiers died because the Turkeys were waiting for us and we landed in the wrong place and were we landed was in a steep dropoff and the Turkeys shot most of the New Zealand Soldiers In world war 1 but we were trying to block the Germans but that idea was busted!!!  

Monday 25 March 2019

Where in the world is our lunch from!?

Where in the world is our lunch from!?

Today we had to find out where what country our food comes from
Here are some from New Zealand; carrots, cucumber, apple, mandarins, lemon and kiwifruit

Thursday 21 March 2019

Honshu White Admiral Butterfly

We are researching the Honshu White Admiral Butterfly because we have released some Honshu caterpillars to help get rid of our Japanese Honeysuckle we are teaching our tuakuna teina buddies about the Honshu White Admiral butterflies 

Thursday 7 March 2019

Dear Humans

Dear Humans,

Please stop leaving plastic around because it’s reaking our home I would quite like to have no rubbish in the Ocean, It’s annoying being a dolphin when there’s plastic laying around. My brother licky is really sick from eating plastic cause would you guys like it if you were living around rubbish!!!! I would appreciate it if you guys would stop throwing plastic around.

From your friend's Dobby, licky and Ricky

Thursday 21 February 2019


Ko Aoraki te Maunga
Ko Makariri te Awa
Ko Ben taku Papa
Ko Kylie taku Mama
Ko Yazmin taku Ingoa

In class, we made our own Pepeha with our own mountain river dad mum and yourself it was really fun.

This is my pepeha artwork

Friday 15 February 2019