Monday 16 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey ( Setting Sail )

Today our class did summer learning  activity one, it was to make a list of 10 items we would take with us, NO FRIDGE OR FREEZER
Here is my list of ten food items on a boat.
1: Water
2: Grapes
3: Sandwich (GF DF)
4: Cucumber
5: Chocolate (GF DF)
6: Cookies ( GF DF)
7: Lollies (GF DF)
8: Cereal (GF DF)
9: Stock (to kill when I need it) 
10: Apple
Here is a picture of a boat/canoe
Image result for canoe

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Kiwi Kids News

WALT: summerise what we read on kiwi kids news. First, we had to make a copy of this sheet Then, we had to go on kiwi kids news After that, we had to read and put info on this sheet Then, we had to post it on my blog. I enjoyed learning about what I have been reading on kiwi kids news and it was super odd. It was challenging when I was writing on my sheet and I put it (nearly) on my blog then I had to restart this whole thing!