Monday 16 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey ( Setting Sail )

Today our class did summer learning  activity one, it was to make a list of 10 items we would take with us, NO FRIDGE OR FREEZER
Here is my list of ten food items on a boat.
1: Water
2: Grapes
3: Sandwich (GF DF)
4: Cucumber
5: Chocolate (GF DF)
6: Cookies ( GF DF)
7: Lollies (GF DF)
8: Cereal (GF DF)
9: Stock (to kill when I need it) 
10: Apple
Here is a picture of a boat/canoe
Image result for canoe


  1. Hi Yazmin!

    My name is Matilda. I live in Auckland, and this summer I am working as one of the blog commenters that will be reading and commenting on your blog posts. I am really looking forward to reading everything you post for the summer learning journey, and getting to know you a bit better!

    Awesome work on this post! You have some really cool ideas of foods to bring! Sandwiches are a really good idea! They would definitely fill you up and they’re yummy! I also think cereal and cookies would be good foods to have!

    What sorts of things would you want in your sandwiches? I think I would like ham and cheese if it was me! What about you?

    Thank you for this post! I really had fun reading it!


  2. Hi Yazmin
    Great to see you have started the summer learning journey. Hope you keep it up over the summer. All of these foods would be great to ring o your voyage.
    Keep it up


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