Monday 6 January 2020

Driving digital innovation


  1. Hi Yasmin
    Great job. I like how you have explained why you like them and when you use them. Which is your favourite?
    Keep it up

  2. Hi Yazmin!

    How has your holiday been so far? Have you done anything exciting over the past few weeks?

    Wow! Nice work on this post! Thank you for writing about why you like each of these websites! I really enjoyed reading them! I also use it is so helpful when I can’t quite think of the right word to use!

    I have never used MathsBuddy. Can you tell me more about it? Does your teacher set tasks for you to do on it? I think that it is so cool that this website helps you improve your math skills! Do you get to practice math a lot on this website?

    I have also never heard of Kiwi Kids News! Do you go on this website often?

    Keep up the incredible work Yazmin. You’ve done amazing so far.

    Matilda :)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.