Friday 17 January 2020

My Tapa- Summer Learning Journey


  1. Hi Yazmin

    Did you add those lambs because you have them or because you like them? I think you have done a good job with this activity, I like how you have added some things that are not just related to you but also the country.

    It would be great if you had described why you have put some of these things down. I can tell you have added that mountain and tree to represent NZ. I also know that you do horse riding but I don't know what any other things are.

    I like how you have put each thing as a little square and lined them all up.

    Keep up the great work

    Molly :)

  2. Kia ora Yazmin,

    My name is Leisha and I am part of the Toki Pounamu blog commenting team alongside Matilda. I hope you are having a wonderful school holiday so far.

    Wow, I love your tapa cloth design. You have used a really great selection images. I would love to know what all the images represent. Are they things that are special to you?

    I can see you have included a couple of pictures of animals. Are these your pets?

    I can tell you have put a lot of effort into designing this tapa cloth Yazmin. It is very colourful and eye-catching. Well done!

    Keep up the great posts! We are in our last week of the SLJ programme but don’t worry, you still have plenty of time to get some more activities completed and collect more points.



Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.